Write a recursive function int BTsumall(BinNode root)
that returns the sum of the values for all of the nodes of the binary tree with...
Binary Search Trees
Score: 0 / 44.0
These are practice questions on binary search trees. This workout should prepare you for the final exam.
Write a recursive function to set the value for each node in a binary tree to be its depth then return the modified tree. Assume that...
Write a recursive function that returns true if there is a node in the given binary tree with the given value, and false otherwise. Note...
Write a recursive function int BTleaf(BinNode root)
to count the number of leaf nodes in the binary tree pointed at by root
. You must use...
Write an algorithm that takes an ArrayList and uses a recursive binary search to return both the index of a given String, or -1 if the...
What is the average time complexity for inserting an element into a binary search tree?
Given two binary trees, return true if they are identical (they have nodes with the same values, arranged in the same way).
Here are...
The height of a binary tree is the length of the path to the deepest node. An empty tree has a height of 0, a tree with one node has a...
Write a recursive function that increments by one the value for every node in the binary tree pointed at by root
, then returns the...
Which operation has a different Big O complexity from the others?