M1 | W1 - D&P - Java Refresher

Score: 0 / 14.0

Exercises to review Java Knowledge.


0 / 1.0

What value is stored in myDouble after casting happens during the assignment in the second line of code?

int myInt = 9; double myDouble =...
0 / 1.0

Write a function first10(s) that returns the first 10 characters of s. If s is longer than 10 characters, just truncate it. If s is...

0 / 1.0

Write a function toTitleCase(s) that returns the s converted to Title Case. Title case has each word in the s with its first letter in...

0 / 1.0

Write a function fullWords(s) that returns a string no longer than 20 characters. If the string s is longer than 20 characters, just...

0 / 1.0

Given an array of integers, return the largest value in the array. Assume the array has only posivitive numbers. If the array is empty,...

0 / 1.0

Complete the function getArraySize() so that it returns the size of the array passed in as an argument into the function. You cannot use...