
Score: 0 / 10.0


0 / 1.0

Given a number n, create and return a new string array of length n, containing the strings "0", "1" "2" .. through n-1. N may be 0, in...

0 / 1.0

Return the centered average of an array of ints, which we'll say is the mean average of the values, except ignoring the largest and...

0 / 1.0

Given an array of ints, return true if every element is either a 1 or a 4. Otherwise, return false.

0 / 1.0

Consider the leftmost and righmost appearances of some value in an array. We'll say that the span is the number of elements between the...

0 / 1.0

Return an array that contains the exact same numbers as the given array, but rearranged so that all the even numbers come before all the...

0 / 1.0

Given a string of any length, return a new string where the last 2 chars, if present, are swapped, so "coding" yields "codign".